★Get the latest news from top local RSS sources & publishers
★Fast, one click access to your favorite websites and news feeds
★Free local Weather, Horoscopes, Pictures ,Prayer Times(Indonesia)and more!
★Free and choice of 500mn users from 15 countries
Key Features:
1. Top News Publishers –Get updates from your favorite local RSS sources plus top sites like CNN, Yahoo. Check out categories like Technology, Business, Entertainment, Sports, Health and more, or customize to create your own news categories.
2. Faster, Lighter News Reading Experience –With unique media technology, Hao123 is up to 30% faster and cuts data usage by as much as 50%. And, at just 2.1Mb, it’s one of the smallest newsreaders available.
3. Personalized Home Page – Easily add your favorite items to the homepage or create one-click shortcuts to your favorite information on your home screen
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